What is Hospice?
Hospice care serves those in the end stages of illness who have chosen to focus on comfort and quality of life rather than curative treatments. Our holistic approach to care emphasizes living in comfort during the final weeks or months of life, when curative treatment is no longer realistic. A team of caring professionals provides expert pain and symptom management with equal amounts of emotional support to improve quality of life and provide comfort to our patients and their loved ones.
What is Palliative Care?
Pathways Palliative Care is a unique service that provides comfort to individuals with chronic illness who are not eligible or do not choose hospice care. Unlike hospice, palliative care may be provided at any time during a serious illness and may be used in conjunction with curative treatments. Our palliative care team provides an extra layer of support by focusing on symptom management, educating about the illness and assisting with decisions regarding future care.

Comfort is the Heart of our Care
Join us for a special testimonial visit from Dr. Brian Stuffelbam, a beloved retired physician who spent 25 years referring patients to our hospice company—and turned to us when his own loved ones needed care. Having walked the journey both as a doctor and as a family member, Dr. Stuffelbam speaks from the heart about the compassion, dignity, and comfort our team provides. His words are a true testament to the trust he placed in us, not just professionally, but personally. We invite you to hear his story and experience the warmth and dedication that make our hospice care so special.

Our Experience

Pathways Employees'
Years of Service
Patients Served in
the Last 3 Years
Our Service Area
St. Louis City
St. Louis County
St. Charles Country
Jefferson County
Franklin County (limited)